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Meet our 2017-2018 members!

Name: Andi Schlut

Hometown: Greenwood Village, CO

Year: Senior

Position: Co-President

Major: Political Science and Socio-Legal Studies

Fun fact: Is completely obsessed with Grey's Anatomy

Name: Melissa Elliot

Hometown: Jackson Hole, WY

Year: Senior

Position: Co-President

Major: Jazz and Commercial Music in Voice 

Fun Fact: She is one degree from Ariana Grande (making the rest of DUFE 2 degees!)

Name: Katie Garra

Hometown: Shelburne, VT

Position: Choreographer

Year: Senior

Position: Creative Head

Major: International Studies

Fun fact: Works out at the same gym as Ben and Jerry (of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream) back home (they work out together and it's adorable)


Name: Hannah Chapple

Hometown: Highlands Ranch, CO

Year: Senior

Position: Marketing Head

Major: Theatre and Socio-Legal Studies with Gender and Women's Studies minor

Fun fact: Hannah has been skiing since she was 3


Name: Lily Gross

Hometown: Houston, TX

Year: Senior

Major: Psychology, minors in International Studies and Sustainability
Fun Fact: Lily once planted 200 trees in one week!

Name: Madie Russell

Hometown: Long Beach, CA

Year: Junior

Major: Biology and Psychology

Fun fact: First job was a bikini saleswoman on Kauai

Name: Lydia Aberg

Hometown: Forest City, IA

Year: Junior

Position: Treasurer

Major: Psychology

Fun fact: Has 50 digits of pi memorized

Name: Hannah Santos

Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA

Year: Junior

Major: International Studies

Fun Fact: Hannah has an award winning secret quacamole recipe

Name: Paige Otto

Hometown: Fort Collins, CO

Year: Sophomore

Major: Socio-Legal Studies

Fun Fact: Parents were friends with Paul Rudd in High School


Name: Rose Khorsandi

Hometown: Walnut Creek, CA

Year: Sophomore

Major: Flute Performance

Fun fact: Can lick her nose

Name: Susanna Skaran

Hometown: Bellevue, Washington

Year: Sophomore

Major: Undeclared
Fun Fact: Susanna did not like cheese until she started college


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Name: Sophie Caesar

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Year: Sophomore


Fun Fact:

Name: Sophie Caesar

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Year: Sophomore

Major: Sociology

Fun Fact: Sophie can balance almost anything on her head

Name: Camilla Rosenberg

Hometown: Minnesota

Year: Freshman

Major: Hospitality

Fun Fact: Her dad is names Javier, and her favorite color is red

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Name: Dana Portnoy

Hometown: Alburquerque, New Mexico

Year: Freshman

Major: Vocal Performance

Fun Fact: Dana has moved 5 times, when she was in Alabama she perfected her southern accent

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